[Salon] Australian view: The balance sheet of the nuclear subs deal

AUKUS annoucement: The balance sheet of the nuclear submarines deal (afr.com)


The balance sheet of the nuclear subs deal

The real test of sovereignty is whether you can defend yourself and credibly deter an attack on your territory. Is that what the nuclear submarines deliver?

Peter Varghese  Contributor

Mar 16, 2023

How are we to peer behind the hype and judge the balance sheet of AUKUS?

Given a straight choice, nuclear submarines are clearly better than conventional submarines, especially for an island continent dependent on vulnerable seaborne trade. Before AUKUS, Australia never had that choice.

But policy decisions are all about trade-offs. The best may not always be the most sensible, and nuclear submarines come not just with potent capability benefits but also financial and strategic costs.

The financial cost is less the huge price tag as the opportunity cost. What defence capabilities are we not getting because we have set aside some $360 billion for nuclear submarines?

Would that money be better spent on acquiring many more conventional submarines together with potent missile capabilities and other long-range strike capability which will be crucial for the defence of our continent and to deter potential attackers?

That is a question that has barely been posed let alone answered in our public debate since the announcement of AUKUS in September 2021. Perhaps the answers are all in the Defence Strategic Review which has yet to be released.

In the past decade we seem to have gradually drifted away from the Defence of Australia as the organising principle of strategic policy. True, we have not moved all the way back to the old Forward Defence policy which drove our participation in the Vietnam War. But at what point does the sensible, if inelegant, policy of “impactful projection” morph into a new version of Forward Defence?

Advocates of Forward Defence believed that it was simply impossible for Australia to defend itself and the best defence was to deal with threats as far away from Australia as possible under the leadership of the UK and then the US. Most Australians and probably most of our leaders still believe it is impossible to defend ourselves without the direct military assistance of the United States. But if you cannot defend yourself your independence is inevitably compromised.

The initial motivation to acquire nuclear submarines may have had little to do with war scenarios in north-east Asia. But sitting behind this is an unstated and entirely plausible assumption that some day we may have to fight in a battle a long way from Australia and as part of a US-led coalition. The world’s best conventional submarines would also have given us that option, but not as effectively as a nuclear submarine.

There are strategic costs to weakening the discipline behind the Defence of Australia doctrine if that is where we are heading. It takes us further away from the longstanding objective of being able to defend Australia harnessing the US alliance but without relying on the combat assistance of the United States.

It ties our fate more closely to the mistaken view that we can always rely on the United States to come to our defence. Mistaken, not because the US is unreliable or feckless, not because the alliance is no longer central to our security, not even because Donald Trump or his ilk might return to the White House. It is mistaken because countries always act in their own interests and great powers even more so.

To anchor policy on any other assumption is to ignore history. Defence must deal with worst-case scenarios.

More effective

The test of sovereignty is not whether we have American and UK sailors on our submarines. It is not about the rotation of US forces through Australia. The real test of sovereignty is whether you can defend yourself and credibly deter an attack on your territory.

Is that what the nuclear submarines deliver? Or would it be smarter to design a defence capability, including the best conventional submarines, which may give us less to offer in a war in north-east Asia but which may be more affordable and more effective in the defence of continental Australia?

I do not pretend to know the answers to these questions. But I would have thought that before we took decisions as momentous as the AUKUS submarines that there would be a proper and forensic public discussion about other options and their underlying rationale.

It may be odd to argue that a decision to acquire a capability which will not be fully delivered for three decades, if all goes to plan, has been made with unseemly haste. No one on the inside would think so. They have no doubt crunched the numbers and the policy options.

But decisions of this magnitude can easily emerge in an echo chamber. And the biggest threat to good policy is a failure forensically to test assumptions and weigh options. Much of that can and should be done outside classified discussions.

We might be lucky. It may turn out that all the assumptions behind the AUKUS announcements are spot on, that there is no tension between the Defence of Australia and Forward Defence Mark Two, that all the financial, technical and crewing issues can be resolved, that building in Adelaide turns out to be not much more expensive than buying offshore, and that simultaneously running two, possibly three, submarine platforms is not all that complicated.

The one consistent feature of defence planning in Australia is the gap between what is announced and what is delivered, between what is initially budgeted for and what ends up being spent. Australia has a long history of erudite defence white papers and woeful implementation. Will AUKUS turn out to be in the same mould?

Peter Varghese is the chancellor of the University of Queensland and a former secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


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